Linda A. Curran, BCPC, LPC, CACD, CCPD
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." ~Edmund Burke
Linda Curran, BCPC, LPC, CAADC, CCDPD, is a trauma specialist, veteran clinician, sought after national trainer, best-selling author on trauma and a film producer. Linda has trained thousands of mental health clinicians on trauma treatment across the country. She is President of Integrative Trauma, LLC, in Wilmington, Delaware and provides clients an integrative approach to trauma. As an individual and group psychotherapist, she treats simple and complex PTSD in adolescent and adult populations-including clients with comorbid conditions -- eating disorders, sexual trauma, self injury, and attachment related trauma. Linda is not taking on new clients at this time.
Linda holds advanced degrees in both clinical psychology and public health. A Board Certified, Licensed Professional Counselor; Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor; Certified Co-Occurring Professional Diplomate; Certified Gestalt Therapist; Certified Hypnotherapist; and Level II EMDR practitioner, Linda provides in-person and telephonic professional supervision and consultation. Author of Trauma Competency: A Clinicians Guide and 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions and international speaker on the treatment of trauma, Linda has developed, produced, and presents multi-media workshops on all aspects of psychological trauma. Latest projects include the completion of (an extensive trauma resource for clinicians and clients alike) and four video projects for The Master Clinician Series: 1. Trauma Treatment: Psychotherapy for the 21st Century, 2. Power Therapies: EMDR and Beyond, 3. EMDR: Step by Step, 4. EMDR: Step by Step Plus, 5. Treating Complex Trauma: Beyond Competency, & 6. Addiction, Trauma, & Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Linda continues to advocate for accessible, coherent, integrative trauma treatment for all those affected by trauma.