101 Trauma Informed Interventions

Purchase 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions

See what the trauma community is saying:

"This is an imminently practical workbook that shows a variety of invaluable techniques to get centered, calm and organized.

An effective and enjoyable guide to help you feel in charge of yourself."

~Bessel van der Kolk, MD

“Linda Curran's unflagging energy and dedication to the healing of traumatized individuals

has led to a voluminous, exciting, and comprehensive, 101 Trauma Informed Interventions.

This workbook provides a plethora of effective tools --  traditional as well as innovative -- that

can be used in whole or as a part of a course of therapy and also as self-help.

The variety of options offered goes a long way towards dispelling the (unfortunately) popular misconception

that there are only a limited number of interventions that help people to recover from trauma.

Survivors as well as therapists who have been frustrated by the rigidity of

strict adherence to evidence based practice will be greatly relieved to find a wealth of useful strategies

to experiment, evaluate, and sort into a personally tailored trauma recovery program.

This workbook is a god-send for the trauma field, expanding the possibilities for recovery in a most generous way.”

~Babette Rothschild, MSW author of The Body Remembers and 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery

"Linda Curran has carefully and knowledgeably curated a practical, effective collection of interventions that actually work for trauma survivors.  

Any clinician committed to helping those suffering from posttraumatic stress needs to have these tools and

resources to draw upon, because standard talk therapy, nine times out of ten, is simply not going to cut it.  

These exercises will."

~Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, author of Invisible Heroes: Survivors of Trauma and How They Heal

“Drawing from the whole spectrum of trauma-based therapies,

Linda Curran has compiled a sampling of practical exercises designed to help therapists and their clients

better navigate the mine field that trauma work can be and find the path to healing.”

~Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. author of Internal Family Systems Therapy

"101 Trauma-Informed Interventions provides an accessible functional “playbook” for

therapists committed to the rehabilitation of the client with a trauma history.  

In a readable volume Curran integrates diverse approaches of treatment and

emphasizes the unique role that trauma plays in mental health.

Underlying this eclectic strategy is the common theme emphasizing that healing will only

begin when the trauma related feelings embedded in the body are appreciated."

~Stephen W. Porges, PhD. author of The Polyvagal Theory.

"An interesting compendium of potential interventions that can be interwoven into any therapist's existing conceptual framework"

~Louis Cozolino, PhD, author of The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy

"Like all of Curran’s work, 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions is thoughtful, engaging and practical.

Her book provides an array of solid interventions drawn from the growing trauma literature.  

Both new and experienced therapists will enrich their clinical practices by reading this book.

It should be part of every therapist’s library."

~Mike Dubi, Ed.D., LMHC President, International Association of Trauma Professionals

"Branching from her outstanding manual Trauma Competency, expert therapist and author Linda Curran’s 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions

delivers nearly 200 practical interventions for those who work with people with traumatic histories (nearly all of us).

Comprehensive in theory to application, the wealth of information in this book will expand the practice of both

those new to and experienced in trauma work with interventions that integrate mind, body, and spirit in the healing process.  

Delivered with belief and expectancy in the context of a therapeutic alliance, these activities,

exercises, and assignments will create safety, containment, and ultimately, transformation.

101 Trauma-Informed Interventions is a must-have for therapists seeking active and

effective means of moving clients forward, in therapy, and then in life."

~Lane D. Pederson, PsyD, LP, DBTC, author of The Expanded Dialectical Behavior Skills Training Manual: Practical DBT for Self-help and Individual & Group Treatment Settings and DBT Skills Training in Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment Settings

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